Library of Fancywork
Knot Tutorials
If you've been here before, don't freak out!   Things got a little "messy" trying to figure
out what was where, so a re-design became imperative to keep things shipshape
and Bristol fashion.
                                                              (it didn't work!)

There are a bunch of new divisions, but all the stuff previously shewn is still there...
Just moved around a bit.

For those of you who are just generally interested in this stuff or are just surfing....
Jump right in with the first section... All section pages will connect to each other, so it
innit like you've gotta go look at summat and then come back to go somewhere else...  
(I hate that with some sites!) just look for the links and keep on truckin'.

If you have some fancy work you did yourself or which you
own and would like to have
it exhibited here,  send me
an email and I'll give you the particulars for submitting it to
me.  Hi-res pics are preferred (now, THAT'S refreshing, innit?) as they have more
detail available for viewing.  I'll photoshop unmercifully as required.  (

A couple of youse lovely folks have even made up and sent in
tutorials on some of
your more interesting knotworks.... If YOU'D care to contribute,  please feel free!  Use
the email link in the paragraph above.

Of course,  this all has an ulterior motive:  to try to get more people interested in and
doing nautical-type fancy ropework themselves as well as flogging my products on the
main pages.   In order to get (1) accomplished,  allow me to introduce you to the
International Guild of Knot Tyers.  A lunatic bunch (aka "
The Brotherhood Of The Sore
") devoted to keeping knotting and ropework alive into the 21st century and
beyond.  Unlike many semi-professional hobbyist groups,  the IGKT is completely and
truly egalitarian.  I've yet to find an abrasive ego in the lot of 'em.  

UK (Mother Chapter) Branch       
No. American (East Coast) Branch      
Pacific Americas Branch  

IF YOU HAVE pictures of your work or something you'd like to send for
inclusion, please take a moment to read
THIS page and send me an email
if you have ANY questions at all!
Arts.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction or use
prohibited without prior written permission.